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Discover the Immersive Home Theater VR Experience


If you love movies, there’s no better way to experience the sights and sounds than with your own home theater system. At Fusion Audio Video, we can customize a design that’s perfect for your property.

We use advanced virtual reality technology to bring your theater design to life — experience what you can do with an unused room or basement in three dimensions before construction begins.

A home theater is more than just a screen and projector. If you want the full impact of your favorite movies, TV content, sports, and more, you’ll need a fully optimized environment made for incredible video and audio playback.

Our home theater systems are entirely customized to your specifications. High-end audio-video components, acoustical treatments, theater seating, lighting control, and advanced soundproofing techniques come together to form for the ultimate viewing environment.


At Fusion Audio Video, we offer the latest design techniques to our clients in Asheville, Greenville, and throughout the Carolinas. We help you visualize your theater before it’s installed with virtual reality technology.

We use real floorplans, components, and more to build your room in a VR world before we begin installing your system. Our advanced design techniques allow us to work closely with you to craft the perfect cinematic audio-video solution for your home.

Step in and witness your theater being built before construction even begins and help us make the adjustments for the perfect theater setup.


Want to learn more about home theater systems and how we can customize one for your property? Fill out the form below.
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