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How Smart Home Automation Makes Your Day Easier

Wake up Refreshed and Go to Sleep Secure in Your Greenville Home

How Smart Home Automation Makes Your Day Easier

When you think of smart home automation, what’s the first thing to come to mind? High-tech gadgets? Remote controlled window shades? The fact is, integrated technology isn’t about making something simple more complicated – it’s about making the simple things so simple you don’t even have to think about them. In this blog, we’ll show you how smart automation makes your daily life easier. Read on for more.

What is a smart home?

You’ve got a smart home in your pocket, a smart thermostat on the wall and a smart refrigerator that tells you when your milk has expired. But that doesn’t mean you have a smart home. That’s because it’s about more than just adding supposedly “smart” technology to your spaces – it’s about integrating that technology to work together so that you don’t have to worry about it. Everything from the lighting to your AV system (including your thermostat) can be tied together so you can control every system with a single swipe of a connected control device.

In the morning

Some of us are morning people. For the rest, we need as much help to start are day as we can get. Thankfully, your smart home can help. Instead of an alarm clock blaring you awake into a dark room, your connected technology can work together and make your mornings easier.

When the clock hits 7:00 a.m., music begins to filter through the speakers installed within your bedroom’s walls. The blackout curtains begin to slowly rise, leaving the sunshades in place to filter out the harshest light. Your eyes are given ample time to adjust while you make your way to the kitchen, because your lighting gradually brightens. By the time you’re eating breakfast, the thermostat has adjusted the temperature to a comfortable setting. As you leave, one touch will set the entire place into ‘away” mode, shutting off the lights and music system, lowering the shades and setting the thermostat to an energy-saving level.

In the evening

As you make your way back home from the office on your evening commute, it takes no time at all to prep your home for your return. A touch on your smartphone, via the connected app, will turn the lights on in the foyer and on the porch. By the time you drive up to the garage or gate, your thermostat has lowered the temperature inside and your front door has unlocked for easy entry.

Once inside, you can make your way to the media room to enjoy some after-work TV. Another button can reveal the hidden TV behind a piece of artwork, turn it on, raise the volume on your surround sound system and dim the lights to an appropriate level.

When it’s time for bed, simply hit the “goodnight” setting and all electronics shut off, the doors lock and the timer is set for the next morning.

Are you ready to enjoy the simplicity of smart home automation in your Greenville, South Carolina property? Contact us today!

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