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Out of Town? Here Are the Remote Smart Home Control Features You’ll Love

Easily Access Your Greenville, SC Smart System Even When You’re Miles Away

Out of Town? Here Are the Remote Smart Home Control Features You’ll Love

Some winters you host big family get-togethers, and others you end up traveling out of town for the big event. If you’re leaving your home this year, you may be concerned about how your property will remain safe while you’re away. Thankfully, smart home control features can help. In this blog, we’ll explain how you can take advantage of your smart home to keep your spaces safe.

See Also: The Smartest Ways to Control Your Home

Using Smart Surveillance to Your Advantage

It’s easy to keep an eye on everything when you install smart surveillance cameras. Depending on the software you choose, your cameras can tell you a lot about what happens around your home.

Facial recognition software can let you know when a stranger approaches your home. You’ll receive a push notification the moment they’re detected.

That way, you can determine if the face is friendly – directly from your smartphone or tablet.

And with integrated smart home control, you can take the appropriate action. Lock external entryways, lower shades and more with the touch of a single button.

Hands-Free Control of “Away” Settings

Have you ever left the house and wondered whether you’ve locked the door? With home automation, you can easily tap a button on your smartphone to ensure everything is secure.

But did you know securing your home is even easier? With geo-fencing technology, you have hands-free control of your smart home’s “away” settings.

Essentially, a geo-fence is an invisible barrier around your property. Once you cross the pre-determined threshold, your smart home springs into action. Smart locks secure automatically, “mockupancy” mode begins and you can be sure your property is safe.

Mockupancy means that your smart home system makes it look like you’re at home even when you’re miles away. Lights alternate between rooms in a realistic way. Your AV system turns on and off at irregular intervals. It creates the illusion of occupancy.

Conserve Energy While You’re Out of Town

Remember the days when all you had to do to conserve energy while away was shut off the lights and make sure the AV system was unplugged?

Today, things aren’t that simple. You can’t simply turn everything off if you want your security features to work.

But that doesn’t mean your smart home has to waste energy. You can receive real-time updates on the amount of energy your home is using and adjust it remotely.

Don’t worry about your cleaning person leaving the lights on upstairs or the gardener forgetting to turn the back porch fan off. You can do it easily with your smartphone or tablet.


Are you ready to have a happier holiday season thanks to smart home control? We can make it happen!

Just contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation on which features can benefit your home.

Or, if you want to speak with someone right away, chat with a member of our staff by just clicking the button in the bottom right of your screen.

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